What’s your Particular Brand of Intellegence?

What’s your Particular Brand of Intellegence?

Knowing who you are and being grounded in what makes you unique is a radical act of self-acceptance, especially in a world that breeds conformity. Many people struggle with feeling unintelligent or not worthy enough, which makes sense in a society that only promotes a...
Resourcing: Beyond Regulation

Resourcing: Beyond Regulation

I don’t use the term regulation very much anymore when I discuss emotions or nervous systems support. Like many people, initially, I found the idea of nervous system regulation to be very helpful; it provided me with agency around my trauma symptoms. I discovered that...
When Self-Compassion Feels Impossible

When Self-Compassion Feels Impossible

A companion post to Self-Compassion Morsels: 31-day drip course ”If you’ve learned to rely on your inner critic for survival, self-compassion can feel nearly impossible. It may feel so unfamiliar that it doesn’t make sense, or it can even feel like a threat to...
Mysterious Beautiful You

Mysterious Beautiful You

  You are a mystery, why are you trying to be anything else? Identity is a tricky thing. We are all trying to get to know ourselves better, to understand our pain, our joy, our experiences, and our relationships. Fixed identity is when we begin to categorize our...
5 ways to embody compassion

5 ways to embody compassion

  Do you feel overwhelmed by critical thoughts? Do you constantly judge yourself or feel that no matter what you do, you are never good enough? At times I, like everyone else, can feel like I am suffocating under the pressure created by what many call the Inner...
Redefining unbecoming

Redefining unbecoming

Unbecoming to Become As a therapist and yoga teacher I naturally read a lot about yoga psychology. One of the main beliefs in yoga psychology is that we are at our core whole, healthy, and functional beings. The practice of yoga is to support us in witnessing all the...