Meet Yvette
Hi! I’m Yvette.
I am of Irish, German, & Métis ancestry. I am in the process of remembering and reclaiming my traditional spiritual practices and unpacking how colonialism shows up in my body and my actions. I’m a registered psychotherapist, somatic practitioner, energy worker, and a self-proclaimed movement nerd. I love exploring the ways in which movement can tap us into our psychological power and innate strength. I am amazed at how imagery, art, and movement can help us unwind the wounds we carry so we can reweave the tapestry of our lives and reconnect with greater vitality. My work is founded in a deep understanding of the neurobiology of trauma and wonderment for the mysteries of being human. The etymology of the word ‘psyche’ is soul and I am forever curious about how to reclaim the origins of psychotherapy; soul healing.
Feeler. Mover. Explorer.
On a personal note
I come to this work not just as a therapist but also as a human who has walked the path of being a client. As someone who has stumbled, fallen, got up, fallen again, and returned to my feet, over and over. I know what it means to enter therapy with a dream. I know what it’s like to live with complex trauma and find my way in and out of thriving.
Healing happens within the context of our lives, it takes into account the complexity of being human and allows space for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My own journey has included somatic and cognitive therapies, ceremony, emotional emancipation, and continually dismantling how I’ve internalized systems of oppression so I can reclaim my sense of self within the collective. I am, we are, infinitely learning, forever changing and growing.

Education & Training
My greatest education has come from sitting with those older and wiser than I; from listening to the layers found in the words of Elders. From letting their teachings enter my heart and change me.
My lived experience as a trauma survivor and a thriving human informs my work immensely.
I graduated from Vancouver College of Counsellor Training in 2010. I’m a Registered Master Therapeutic Counsellor (MTC) with the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada (ACCT #1063).
Some of the trainings that inform my perspective are:
- Movement for Trauma L3 practitioner / Level 1 facilitator (past)
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy L1
- Advanced training in Complex Trauma & Dissociation with Janina Fisher
- Transforming Touch® L2
- Internal Family Systems – Foundations
- Bader Pearson Developmental model for Couples Therapy
- Gestalt Somatic Awareness Integration Mentorship with Maecan Campbell
- Wakamaia Ecstatic Dance DJ Training
- Movement Leader Mentorship with Amber Ryan of The 360 Emergence
- Z-health University: Applied Neurology courses – Essentials of Performance and Post Concussion Rehabilitation
- Decolonizing 101 with Ta7taliya Michelle Nahanee
- Spiritual Activism 101 & 102 with Rachel Ricketts
- Inner Field Trip™ Anti-bias work for Highly Sensitive People with Leesa Renee Hall
- 400 hrs of various yoga teacher training including primal movement